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2nd Grade News


Exciting News!! We have started our book publishing project and our topic is "Favorite places around the world." Each student will have a page for their writing and a page for a picture. The pages will be put together to make a classbook. 


After we complete the writing process, students will type up their writing and we will create a digital version of the book. The class book will be published in November and will arrive at our school in December. More information will be sent home as we get closer to the publishing date. 


2nd Grade Standards


W.2.1 I can write an opinion piece where I introduce a topic, provide an opinion, use linking words to give a reason to support my opinion, and provide a concluding statement. 


W.2.2 I can write an informative piece where I can introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop a point, and provide a concluding statement. 


W.2.3 I can write a narrative piece where I can recall an event or sequence of events, give details about the actions and/or characters, and provide a sense of closure. 


W.2.5 I can use guidance from my peers to strengthen my writing. 


W.2.6 I can use digital tools to produce and publish my work.


W.2.7 I can participate in research and writing projects with my classmates.


W.2.8 I can use provided sources to find information.

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