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5th Grade News


We started our first Reader's Theater play called, "Bad Case of Stripes." It's based off the book by David Shannon. Next week, we will make a YouTube video of the play. Once all the video/photo permission slips have been collected, the video will be posted for family members to see. Students are encouraged to dress as their favorite character from the play. 







One of the biggest projects for 5th grade will be the spring book publishing project. Students will write a book called, "The Future Me" and they will get to research future college and career choices. This book will be an excellent keepsake for years to come. All students will receive a free copy of their book and parents will have the opportunity to order additional copies if they choose. 


5th Grade Standards


W.5.1 I can write an opinion piece that supports a point of view, where I,

a- introduce the topic, state my opinion, and create structure that supports my purpose, 

b- provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details,

c- use words, phrases, and clauses to link opinions and reasons,

d- provide a concluding section or statement. 


W.5.2 I can write an informative piece, which examines a topic, where I,

a- introduce a topic and group related information,

b- use facts, definitions, details, and quotations to develop the topic, 

c- use words, phrases, and clauses to link ideas,

d- use domain-specific vocabulary

e- provide a concluding statement or section.


W.5.3 I can write a real or imagined narrative piece where I,

a- establish a situation, introduce a narrator, and organize event sequence,

b- use dialogue, descriptions, and pacing to develop events and characters, 

c- use transitional words and phrases to manage sequence of events,

d- use sensory details,

e- provide sense of closure.


W.5.4 I can produce pieces of writing that are appropriate for 5th grade. 


W.5.5 I can use guidance from my peers and adults to plan, revise, and edit my writing. 


W.5.6 I can use digital tools to produce and publish my work. I can type a 2 page paper in one setting.


W.5.7 I can conduct a short research project, that uses several sources to build knowledge about a topic.


W.5.8 I can summarize information found from sources and provide a list of sources used for a research project.


W.5.9 I can use evidence from literature and informational text to support analysis, reflection, and research. 


W.5.10 I can write for a range of time and tasks.

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