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3rd Grade News


We started our first Reader's Theater play called, "Goldilocks and the Three Bullfrogs." We worked on reading with expression and projecting voices. Next week, we are going to do the play, "The Tortoise and the Hare."


3rd graders will also get to take turns bringing home either Steve or Sarah Stingray. Students will then get to write in the stingray journal to share their adventures they had during the week. When they return, they will get to share their story with the class. 


Students will also get to learn about some of the famous places Steve and Sarah have visited around the world. 


3rd Grade Standards


W.3.1 I can write an opinion piece where I,

a- introduce the topic, state my opinion, and create structure, 

b- provide reasons that support my opinion,

c- use linking words to give a reason to support my opinion,

d- provide a concluding section or statement. 


W.3.2 I can write an informative piece where I,

a- introduce a topic and group related information,

b- use facts, definitions, and details to develop a point,

c- use linking words to connect ideas,

d- provide a concluding statement or section.


W.3.3 I can write a narrative piece where I,

a- establish a situation &and&&& introduce a narrator,

b- use dialogue and descriptions to develop events,

c- use temporal words and phrases to signal order,

d- provide sense of closure.


W.3.4 I can produce pieces of writing that are appropriate for 3rd grade. 


W.3.5 I can use guidance from my peers to plan, revise, and edit my writing. 


W.3.6 I can use digital tools to produce and publish my work.


W.3.7 I can conduct a short research project to build knowledge about a topic.


W.3.8 I can use provided sources to find information, take notes on sources, and categorize my notes.

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